To me it felt as though I had all the time in the world to have children. I guess it was earlier on this year as I started to quickly approach the final stage of my twenties and babies seemed to be popping up on my facebook left right and centre that I began giving it some serious consideration. Have I really reached this stage? Do I actually need to start giving some thought to this next chapter of my life? Mr JR, being very laid back in that regard had told me he was ready whenever I was.
As I logged onto facebook one evening it seemed as though my wall was besieged with girls from my year at school who were about to give birth, just celebrated some milestone with their baby, announcing a pregnancy or onto their second. Wow, where had this time gone? It didn't seem that long ago that we had gone to our five year reunion where getting engaged or married was big news. Was I missing the boat?
It was then that Mr JR and I began giving the whole parenthood thing some serious thought. Yes, I definitely didn't want to miss that boat. I loved my big family, our closeness and the companionship I had with my siblings and (although I do not desire a family as big!) it was definitely something I wanted for myself and my husband.
So I looked up some multi vitamins to take, bought those, was armed with my “what to do to fall pregnant” list (aside from the obvious) and was ready to go. Or so I thought. Naively speaking the fact that I had super long cycles hadn't really crossed my mind as being much of a problem. Given that my mother had children late and a fair few of them, I had just assumed that whenever I wanted babies, it would happen for me.
Once I began google investigating everything to do with falling pregnant and came across pcos and its relation with irregular cycles, in the back of my mind I thought, "Hmmm, I may have a bit of a problem here."
Did any of you have any experiences similar to mine?